Feb 18

Ummmm, did somebody say it’s party time?

They didn’t.

But obviously it is - because it’s the weekend!

No, not the artist the Weekend. What would they be doing in Chamonix? It’s the Friday-night, Saturday, Sunday weekend.

So, it’s the weekend, and we’re at the post-work, pre-club party.

Pop. Corks are flying.

The champagne is flowing. All over the floor and the wall now. Somebody get a glass please!

All the single ladies (🎶 all the single ladies🎶) are dolling each other up in body glitter. They look fabulous. Glamorous. All the -ous words.

I tell one of them this. They reply that the sparkles itch, and it’s becoming quite difficult to open their eye lid because of the weight of it.

The price of beauty.

I wonder to myself if people cover themselves in shiny plastic purely to attract attention from the opposite (or same) sex, or just because they love they way it looks in the mirror. Either way, it’s a sure fire way to stand out in a crowd of rowdy drunks.

But, now all the gals are doing it. Each one more sparkly than the last. How do you stand out when everyone is sparkly? Once again, you’re back to resorting to that old classic - your personality.

But it’s hard to let your personality sparkle on the dance floor. Hence the additional plastic sparkles.

It’s not just the skin that glitters. It’s the dresses too. A rare sight in a mountain town where the cute outfits and matching heels of the French cities are banished, to be replaced with winter boots, and high-performance waterproofs.

When it comes to altering one’s appearance for the hope of bit of romance, women have significantly more options than men. This is both true and not true. We can all wear sparkly dresses and cover ourselves in glitter if the mood takes us. I bet I’d look ultra sexy in high heels, make up and a backless dress. But, for myself, and the majority of other men, It’s unlikely to lead to the kind of attention we’re after.

I did wear makeup to a club once though.

Ok. Not a club.

A school disco. I was 13 years old. Deep in my grunge phase.